Shariah Status of E-Numbers Regarding Use in Sea Animals: An Analytical Study

  • Dr. Aqsa Tariq Lecturer, Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies, GC Women University, Sialkot, Pakistan.
Keywords: Seafood, E-Numbers, Shariah Standards, Analysis, Functional Use


Since ancient times, man has been gaining awareness of the benefits of meat and plants through observation and experience. In the books of Greek and Islamic medicines, there is mentioned some benefits of meat and other organs of animals as well as various herbs and the medicine made from them in the treatment of various diseases. E-numbers are prefixed with E but non-European countries only use numbers, whether those numbers are used in Europe or not. For example, Actic Acid is written as e-260 on products sold in Europe, while in some countries it is simply written as additive 260. Since 1987, Australia has had an approved system for labeling additives on packaged foods under which it is necessary to give the name or number of each food additive. The numbers are the same as in Europe but without E. the US Food and Drugs Administration has also prepared a list of these additives as a general endorsement of their safety. E-numbers are food additives. The E stands for European and means that these additives have been tested for safety and been assessed for use in the European Union; EU. Each E-number is assigned its own unique number making it easier for manufacturers to list which are included in foods. The objective of this research work is by reviewing halal, haram and suspicious E-Numbers in the light of shariah related to marine animals which are being used for food.





. halal food production.296

.; Numan Anwar, e numbers ki shar’ai hasiyat, tehqeeqi o tajziyati mutalia, Research Thesis, 2020, Punjab university lahore


. Food additives in Europe 2000,p39,49; Bender’s dictionary of nutrition and food technology, p531;HalalFoodProduction,p297;HandbookofECODES,p10;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh) Ingredients

. Food additives in Europe 2000,p49;

. Hand book of E-CODES, p10;

. HalalFoodProduction,p297;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh) Ingredients List,p18;; E-Numbers and their shariah status, p 10

. Food additives in Europe 2000,p39;81; Bender’s dictionary of nutrition and food technology,


.Food additives in Europe 2000,p81;; Numan anwar, e numbers ki shar’ai hasiyat, tehqeeqi o tajziyati mutalia, Research Thesis, 2020, Punjab university lahore

.FoodadditivesinEurope2000,p10;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh)IngredientsList,p24; za;;; ers.asp


.HandbookofE-CODES,p14;HalalFoodProduction,p297;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh) Ingredients; e-numbers and their shariah status, p11 List,p21

. Pakistan Standard, PS: 3733-2016, p 16; Numan anwar, e numbers ki shar’ai hasiyat, tehqeeqi o tajziyati mutalia, Research Thesis, 2020, Punjab university lahore

. Food additives in Europe 2000,p39;87; Bender’s dictionary of nutrition and food technology,

p531;HalalFoodProduction,p297;HandbookofECODES,p15;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh)Ingredients, List;;

.Food additives in Europe 2000,p87;

FoodadditivesinEurope2000,p7;Bender’sdictionaryofnutritionandfoodtechnology,p531;HalalFood Production,p297;

. HandbookofE-CODES,p14 ; H-numbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh) Ingredients List,p21

.Pakistan Standard, PS: 3733-2016, p 16; Numan anwar, e numbers ki shar’ai hasiyat, tehqeeqi o tajziyati mutalia, Research Thesis, 2020, Punjab university lahore

.Food additives in Europe 2000,p39;149; Bender’s dictionary of nutrition and food technology, p531; HalalFoodProduction,p291;HandbookofECODES,p22;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh)IngredientsList;

. Hand book of E-CODES,p22;;

. Food additives in Europe 2000,p39;152; Bender’s dictionary of nutrition and food technology,



.HandbookofE-CODES,p22;HalalFoodProduction,p298;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh) Ingredients List,p25; e-numbers and their shariah status, p 31

.Food additives in Europe 2000,p049;; Food additives in Europe 2000,p39;159; Bender’s dictionary of nutrition and food technology, p531; HalalFoodProduction,p298; HandbookofECODES,p10; Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh)IngredientsList,p26

.FoodadditivesinEurope2000,p160;;;www.cygnus.uvdb.; Numan anwar, e numbers ki shar’ai hasiyat, tehqeeqi o tajziyati mutalia, Research Thesis, 2020, Punjab university lahore;;

. Food additives in Europe 2000,p39;163; Bender’s dictionary of nutrition and food technology, p531;

Food additives in Europe 2000,p060;;


.Hand book of E-CODES, p25;;; HandbookofE-CODES,p25;HalalFoodProduction,p291;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh) Ingredients List,p12

.Food additives in Europe 2000,p020;; Food additives in Europe 2000,p39;173; Bender’s dictionary of nutrition and food technology, p531; HalalFoodProduction,p298; HandbookofECODES,p10; Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh)IngredientsList,p28

. al fiqh ul islami wa adilatu’hu, 546/3; shar’ai ghaza’I ahkam, p 63;; Hand book of E-CODES, p24;;; HalalFoodProduction,p298;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh) Ingredients list, p 28;

. Food additives in Europe 2000,p191;; Food additives in Europe 2000,p7; Bender’s dictionary of nutrition and food technology, p531; HalalFood Production, p298;; info.htm; Hand book of E-CODES, p00;

. Pakistan Standard, PS: 3733-2016,p28 ;

HalalFoodProduction,p291;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh) Ingredients List,p12; Numan anwar, e numbers ki shar’ai hasiyat, tehqeeqi o tajziyati mutalia, Research Thesis, 2020, Punjab university lahore

. Food additives in Europe 2000,p39;212; Bender’s dictionary of nutrition and food technology,



. Ghaza’I masnuaat ka hukam or halal certificateka ajra’a shara’ai asul or shra’ait o miaraat, p.111 al mosua tul fiqhiya al kawaitiya, 75/40; Hand book of E-CODES,

p02;;;HandbookofECODES,p02;HalalFoodProduction,p291;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh) Ingredients List,p31

.Bender’s dictionary of nutrition and food technology, p531; HalalFoodProduction,p291; HandbookofECODES,p02;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh)Ingredients,List,p8;;;; Hand book of E-CODES, p02

.shara’ai ghaza’ai ahkam, p 62; ; HandbookofE-CODES,p33; HalalFoodProduction,p298; Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh) Ingredients List,p8

.HandbookofECODES,p35;;;;; Al Fiqhul islami wa adillatuhu, 564/3

.Food additives in Europe 2000,p217;; Hand book of E-CODES, p06; Numan anwar, e numbers ki shar’ai hasiyat, tehqeeqi o tajziyati mutalia, Research Thesis, 2020, Punjab university lahore

.Mash’hoor E-numbers or unki shara’ai hasiyat, p 15; Al Fiqhul islami wa adillatuhu, 565/3, shara’ai ghazai ahkaam, p 62

.HalalFoodProduction,p299;HandbookofECODES,p37;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh)Ingredients,List,p9;;; HalalFoodProduction,p299; mash’hoor e numbers or unki shara’ai hasiyat, p 63;Food additives in Europe 2000,p217;; Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh) Ingredients

List,p02; mash’hoor e numbers or unki shara’ai hasiyat, p 11

. Food additives in Europe 2000,p256;Handbook of E-CODES,p 59;; HandbookofECODES,p59;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh)IngredientsList,p36; mash’hoor e numbers or unki shara’ai hasiyat, p 18; Numan anwar, e numbers ki shar’ai hasiyat, tehqeeqi o tajziyati mutalia, Research Thesis, 2020, Punjab university lahore

FoodadditivesinEurope2000,p262;;;www.cygnus.uvdb.; shar’ai ghazai ahkam, p 63; al fiqh ul islami waadillatuhu, 567/3

.Hnumbers Halal.Haram.Mushbooh)IngredientsList,p10; Pakistan Standard, PS: 3733-2016, p 16; The Pakistan Halal Authority Act 2015,p;19; massh’hur e numbers or unki shar’ai hasiyat, p19

. Handbook of E-CODES,P 80;; www.halaalfoundation. Com; HandbookofE-CODES,p70; massh’hur e numbers or unki shar’ai hasiyat, p 21

.FoodadditivesinEurope2000,p41,410;HandbookofECODES,p110;;; massh’hur e numbers or unki shar’ai hasiyat, p 27; al fiqh ul islami wa adillatuhu, 546/3

. HandbookofECODES,p110

. Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh)IngredientsList,p78; shar’ai ghazai ahkaam, p 63

. ghazai masnuyat ka hukam or halal certificate ka ijra, sahr’ai asul or shrait o mayaraat, p 111;; Food additives in Europe 2000,p12,771;Bender’s dictionary of nutrition and food technology,


tsList,p78; shar’ai ghazai ahkaam, p 63; al fiqh ul islami wa adillatuhu, 547/3

.Food additives in Europe 2000,p559;Handbook of ECODES,p150;; HalalFoodProduction,p658;HandbookofECODES,p170;;; shar;ai ghazai ahkaam, p 63, al fiqh ul islami wa adillatuhu, 547/3; ghazai masnuyat ka hukam or halal certificate ka ijra, sahr’ai asul or shrait o mayaraat, p 111

.Handbook of ECODES,p150;;HandbookofECODES,P10;HalalFoodProduction,p297;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh) Ingredients List p12;; ghazai masnuyat ka hukam or halal certificate ka ijra, sahr’ai asul or shrait o mayaraat, p 111;

.Handbook of E-CODES, p156;;;;; Handbook of E-CODES, p156;;; mash’hur e numbers or unki shar’ai hasiyat, p 39

. Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh)IngredientsList,p78; shar’ai ghazai ahkaam, p 63

. food additives in Europe 2000,p42,559; Bender’s dictionary of nutrition and food technology;

p537;HalalFoodProduction,p308;HandbookofECODES,p152;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh)Ingredien tsList,p80;; HandbookofE-CODES,p152; mash’hur e numbers or unki shar’ai hasiyat, p 39,;

foodadditivesinEurope2000,p510;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh)IngredientsList,p166;www;;;;; mash’hur e numbers or unki shar’ai hasiyat, p 39

. Food additives in Europe 2000,p7; Bender’s dictionary of nutrition and food technology; P 537;HalalFoodProduction,p308;; www.halaalfoundation. com;; HandbookofE-CODES,p152 ;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh) Ingredients List,p112; mash’hur e numbers or unki shar’ai hasiyat, p 39; Numan anwar, e numbers ki shar’ai hasiyat, tehqeeqi o tajziyati mutalia, Research Thesis, 2020, Punjab university lahore

Food additives in Europe 2000,p565;Handbook of E-CODES,p154;; FoodadditivesinEurope2000,p515;Hnumbers(Halal.Haram.Mushbooh)IngredientsList,p36; www;;; mash’hur e numbers or unki shar’ai hasiyat, p 39; HalalFoodProduction,p308

FoodadditivesinEurope2000,p785;;;www.cygnus.uvdb .com; /enumbers.asp; HandbookofECODES,p466; Food additives in Europe 2000,p45;; mash’hur e numbers or unki shar’ai hasiyat, p 41; Numan anwar, e numbers ki shar’ai hasiyat, tehqeeqi o tajziyati mutalia, Research Thesis, 2020, Punjab university lahore

How to Cite
Dr. Aqsa Tariq. (2023). Shariah Status of E-Numbers Regarding Use in Sea Animals: An Analytical Study. Jihat Ul Islam, 17(1), 37-50.