قرآن حکیم کے تصورِ قوام کا تحقیقی مطالعہ: الرِّجَالُ قَوَّامُونَ عَلَى النِّسَاءِ کی روشنی میں

A Critical Analysis of the Qur’anic Concept of Qaw’am: In the Light of āl Riǧālū qawāmwn ʿla ālnisāʾ

  • Muhammad Sarwar, Dr. Muhammad Usman Khalid visiting faculty, SZIC, Punjab University, Lahore
Keywords: Society, Spouses, Family, Islamic Teachings, Managing Authority, Rights & Obligations


Allah Almighty has laid the foundation of the human race through Adam and Eve. The basic unit of human society is man and woman as husband and wife. If their mutual relationship is built on strong foundations, then the whole society will be the cradle of peace and harmony and comfort and peace, and if there is weakness and defeat in it, then the stability of the society is not possible. Therefore, Allah Ta'ala has given some guiding principles for him, by following which this relationship can be made strong and useful. Holy Qur'an has divided the affairs and responsibilities of men and women which are obligatory on both. Allah Ta'ala has given this basic unit of human society the status of a state in which man has been declared as the ruler because of his many important responsibilities. Among the man's responsibilities are economic, administrative and training matters, while the woman is the supervisor and responsible for domestic affairs. However, along with his dignity, the man has been strongly urged to be kind, gracious and virtuous, while the woman has been advised to protect the man's wealth, honor and reputation and to obey him. However, it is important to know what causes male infertility. In the article under review, the Qur'anic term "Qawam" will be researched from this point of view.


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How to Cite
, M. S. D. M. U. K. (2022). قرآن حکیم کے تصورِ قوام کا تحقیقی مطالعہ: الرِّجَالُ قَوَّامُونَ عَلَى النِّسَاءِ کی روشنی میں: A Critical Analysis of the Qur’anic Concept of Qaw’am: In the Light of āl Riǧālū qawāmwn ʿla ālnisāʾ. Jihat Ul Islam, 16(1), 87-96. https://doi.org/10.51506/jihat-ul-islam.v16i1.399