معاشی اور معاشرتی استحکام میں سوشل ورک کی اہمیت، سیرتِ مبارکہ کے سماجی و رفاہی پہلوؤں کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ

The Importance of Social Work in Economic and Social Stability An analytical study of Social and welfare Aspects of Seerah

  • Faisal ur Rehman Faisal Khalil IIUI
  • Dr. Muhammad Usman Khalid UET Lahore
Keywords: economic stability, social stability, social work, society, Seerah, welfare state.


Almost all the Prophets have the common practice of sharing other's sorrows and participating in public welfare services. They Prophets, apart from being messenger, were great social workers. They shored up suffering humanity through their words and practices. The Prophet Muhammad PBUH was undoubtedly the greatest social worker in the history of human beings. Arab society which Prophet addressed in the first place was badly hit by poverty and destitution. With a great number of high morals, the plundering was highly normalized in that society.  Economic decline was so deep in the society that poor people formed their unions and organizations to survive. The Prophet PBUH entirely transformed such an oppressed Arab society through his perfect leadership.A preacher of religion and an active social worker seem to be going side by side in the blessed life of Prophet PBUH. With a great strategy, he created a unique environment in Madina, its surroundings and across the Arab peninsula; legitimate recommendations are being encouraged, kindness towards vulnerable and abolition of slavery are being promoted, boarding schools are being established along with expanding the education. Not only the temporary needs of people are being fulfilled but also the permanent business is being set up enabling them to stand on their own feet in future. Unemployment is being eliminated from the society by setting up small business with minimum capital.  People came with their needs and returned back with embracing Islam. In this thesis we will attempt to view what sort of guidance we can take from Seerah regarding social work.  What were the moods and ways of Prophet’s social services? How he helped others? How much inspired his companions were from this aspect of Prophet's life? How these frequent reflections of social works impacted the society in economic and social stability? How crucial the social services are both individually and collectively in establishing a social welfare state? This article tries to find out the answers to all such questions.


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Al-Baqarah, 199:2.

۔ڈاکٹر جواد علی، المفصل فی تاریخ العرب، ۴۱۲:۷۔

Dr Jawad Ali, Al Mufassal fi Tarikh al Arab, 412:7.

۔البخاری ، الجامع الصحیح ، الرقم:۴۹۵۳۔

Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Ismāʿīl al-Juʿfī, Sahīh al-Bukhārī, Ḥadīth, #: 4953.

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۔ابو داؤد، ،السنن ،الرقم: ۴۹۹۸۔

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۔البیہقی،السنن الكبرى،الرقم:۱۹۹۷۹۔

Ibid, Ḥadīth, #: 19979.

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Ahmed bin Al Hussein bin Ali bin Musa al-Khorasani, Abu Bakr al-Bayhaqi, Al Adaab, (Beirut: Moussisat ul Kutab al Saqafiah, 1408), Ḥadīth, #: 140.

۔البخاری ، الجامع الصحیح ، الرقم: ۵۲۸۳۔

Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Ismāʿīl al-Juʿfī, Sahīh al-Bukhārī, Ḥadīth, #: 5283.

۔ مسلم بن الحجاج ،صحیح مسلم، الرقم: ۱۸۹۳۔

Muslim ibn al-Ḥajjāj ibn Muslim ibn Ward, Sahih Muslim, Ḥadīth, #: 1893.

۔ مسلم بن الحجاج ،صحیح مسلم، الرقم: ۱۸۹۴۔

Ibid, Ḥadīth, #: 1894.


At-Taubah, 79:9.

۔ مسلم بن الحجاج ،صحیح مسلم، الرقم: ۱۰۱۸۔

Muslim ibn al-Ḥajjāj ibn Muslim ibn Ward, Sahih Muslim, Ḥadīth, #: 1018.


Al-Hashr, 09:59.


Al-Baqarah, 273:2.

۔البخاری ، الجامع الصحیح ، الرقم: ۳۹۳۷۔

h al-Bukhārī, al-Juʿfī, Sahī, Ḥadīth, #: 3937.

How to Cite
Faisal Khalil, F. ur R., & Dr. Muhammad Usman Khalid. (2022). معاشی اور معاشرتی استحکام میں سوشل ورک کی اہمیت، سیرتِ مبارکہ کے سماجی و رفاہی پہلوؤں کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ: The Importance of Social Work in Economic and Social Stability An analytical study of Social and welfare Aspects of Seerah. Jihat Ul Islam, 16(1), 202-217. https://doi.org/10.51506/jihat-ul-islam.v16i1.394