HINDU PURANAS (An Analytical Study)

  • Hafiz Zahid Latif Muhammad Abdullah


Hindu Puran can rightly be noted as the first root of Hinduism. The creation of the universe, God’s birth, their work, and many other fabricated stories have been included in it. Hindu scholars have different opinions regarding their preparation and writing. Purans are counted as eighteen but their number is not agreed by all Hindu scholars, purans basically discussed five basic subjects called by hindu scholars as panja lakshana. These are divided into two categories; basic and large Puran and the second one in uppa puran. Cast division exists in purans and the same concept is also condemned as it is said that man becomes closer to narayan (Supreme God) by his baghti or puja. There is a strict division and conflict in these purans about types of gods and who is superior and better such as brahma, Krishna , Hari, sawayam baghwam etc. Uppa purans declare krishan as a god. While all Vedic and Hindu
literature siting para brahman as a god. The massage and theme of purans has been briefly discussed in this.


How to Cite
Muhammad Abdullah, H. Z. L. (2021). HINDU PURANAS (An Analytical Study). Jihat Ul Islam, 9(1), 20-30. https://doi.org/10.51506/jihat-ul-islam.v9i1.327