برصغیر میں مسلم حکمرانوں کا بین المذاہب ہم آہنگی کے فروغ میں کردار:مطالعۂ فکرِ استشراق
The Role of Muslims Rulers of the Subcontinent in the Promotion of Inter-Faith Harmony: A Study of Orientalistic Thought
All aspects of Islamic thought and philosophy are directly or indirectly concerned with the material and spiritual development of human beings. Humanitarianism and philanthropy have always been the primary goals of Muslims. That is why,Muslims have shown no hesitation in treating people of different religions kindly. Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) established full political and social relations with the people in Makkah, Madinah and other areas. He did not show any narrow-mindedness in this regard. Muslims have always adhered to these golden principles of the Holy Prophet and tried their best to create an atmosphere of inter-faith harmony .The same issue of tolerance with non-Muslims was raised by Muslims in the subcontinent as well. Contrary to acknowledging these facts, some orientalists allege that the attitude of Muslim rulers in the subcontinent was cruel and bigoted towards non-Muslims. This research article analyzes the misconceptions of orientalists regarding forced preaching, protection of worship places, Jizyah and the conduct of Muslim conquerors.
Mounstuart,Elphistone,The History of India ,P:200-250
Gordon Kerr,A Short History of India, London ,1960,P:200-240
جیمس فرگیسن، اسلامی فن تعمیر ہندوستان میں ،حیدر آبار،جامعہ عثمانیہ ،۱۹۳۲ء،ص:۲۵-۳۰
ایشورٹوپا، ہندی مسلم حکمرانوں کے سیاسی اصول،علی گڑھ : انجمن ترقی اردو ہند،۱۹۶۲ء،ص:۷۰-۸۹
خلیق احمد نظامی،سلاطین دہلی کے مذہبی رجحانات،دہلی:ندوۃ المصنفین،۱۹۵۸ء،ص:۴۰۰-۴۴۹
Stanlay lane Poole, Medieval India,Lahore :Sang –e- meel Publications ,1997,P:50